Sharding Module

The sharding module enhances the scalability of The Adventure Layer by distributing the transaction load across multiple more minor, more manageable operational units or shards.


  • Shard Manager: Dynamically allocates transactions to various shards based on load and computational complexity, optimizing resource usage across the network.

  • Cross-Shard Communication System: Enables seamless interaction between shards, ensuring data consistency and integrity without sacrificing operational speed.

  • Shared State Architecture: This architecture maintains a coherent view of the state across all shards, facilitated by the Shard-Sharing State infrastructure, which supports real-time, cross-shard read/write operations.

  • Shard Forking System: Introduces a seamless transition mechanism between Playground and Player shards that allows game developers to easily clone the state and progress of a game from a Playground shard to a Player shard for smooth upgrades and iterations of games without disrupting the player experience and facilitates rapid deployment of new features and bug fixes directly into live environments after thorough testing.

    • Playground Shards: Serve as development environments where game developers can test and refine game mechanics, smart contracts, and interactions without affecting the live game environments. They provide a sandbox for experimentation and debugging.

    • Player Shards: Hold actual games as the operational shards. These shards run in production mode, ensuring that players experience optimal performance and stability.


By segmenting the network into multiple shards, The Adventure Layer can handle an exponentially larger number of transactions, making it suitable for massively multiplayer online games and complex decentralized applications. The Shared State Architecture ensures that despite the distributed nature of sharding, all parts of the network remain synchronized, providing a unified and stable gaming experience.

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